Quick start:
- C - Enter cab, click on seat
- S - Cab lights
- A - Passenger lights
- D - Headlights
- G - Air conditioning
- / - Insert direction lever
- * - Insert brake lever
- 4 E - Unlock electrical panel
- U - Fan
- 1 - Front view
- TAB to skip to departure time
- Spacebar - Deadman's switch
- Left arrow - Release brakes
- Up arrow - Accelerate
- 1 - Driver
- 2 - Car
- 3 - Left panel
- 4 - Right panel (elec)
- 5 - Rear panel
- Numpad - Car front - pgUp and pgDown to change desto
- Shift-Left/right arrows
Starting an R33 train:
- Choose "beginner" level.
- Enable Conductor-AI: Yes
- Turn on the cabin lights: S
- Put the brake on: * (Number Pad)
- Set brake lever to level 4. Key: left arrow
- Move brake lever ONE more level: left arrow
- Put the direction lever up: / (NumPad)
- Set direction lever to Forward: 8 (NumPad)
- Turn on passenger compartment lights: A
- Turn on headlight: D
- High beam: R on, T off
- Answer the question again to enable Conductor-AI: YES
- Turn off cabin light: S
- Activate door controls: B
- Open window: K
- HUDs: Clock: 7 - Line monitor: 8 - Station monitor: 9
- Press the dead man’s switch (SIFA) down: Spacebar
- Release the parking brake. Move the brake lever fully to the left: Left arrow
- Accelerate to speed level 1: Up arrow
- F9 enables or disables the AI conductor.
- F1 enables or disables the dialogue boxes for support.
- Hold F3 to display a graph with an explanation of the monitors.
- Press / and * on the NumPad to insert the directional and brake levers.
- Press Num8 or Num2 to move the direction lever to neutral, forward or backward.
- Press left arrow key to turn the brake levels down.
- Press right arrow key to turn the brake levels up.
- Brake levels 1-4 activate the electromagnetic brakes.
- Brake levels 5-8 activate the air brakes.
- Brake level 9 is the emergency brake; dump the brake pressure completely.
Current pressure is displayed on the manometer, bottom right of cabin. When the pressure reaches 120, you can start.
- Hold F2 to display a graph with explanations for the brake and direction lever.
- Up arrow key accelerates, down arrow decelerates.
- Level 1 for starting, 6mph per hour.
- Level 2 for gradients, 16mph per hour.
- Level 3 for normal driving, 34mph per hour.
- Level 4 for full throttle, 55mph per hour.
To operate the doors:
- B inserts the key and activates the door control.
- K opens the window.
- 2 shows conductor’s view.
- Crosshairs on the black and white display panel turn green when they are aligned.
*hen aligned, press left mouse button. If the display panel cannot be seen directly out of the window from the car, the train is not centered in the station.
- Num4 activates the left door openers and open the doors.
- Press Num6 to trigger the left door alarm before leaving station.
- Press Num4 to close the doors on the left side.
- Press “2 to exit the conductor view. 2 closes the window again.
- F10 changes back to driver. The AI only takes over for the conductor.
- The conductor must make sure by means of the cross hairs on the display panel
that all doors are available on the platform.
- The doors will not open if the door control is not activated.
- The doors on the right side, Num6, only open at the express stations where doors
on both sides can be used (Flushing–Main St, Junction Blvd and Woodside.)
Set up to drive back: Switch off the lights ("D") and the A/C ("G" and "I"), take the handles, leave cab and walk to the other end.